"fw ctl zdebug" is a powertool that is not exhausted from being used with "fw ctl zdebug drop". There is not much to be found in Check Point KB or in the documentation.
Here are some good examples for debugging:
fw ctl zdebug + packet
fw ctl zdebug + packet | grep -B 1 TCP |grep -B 1 "(SYN)" <<< change SYN-ACK,ACK,FIN,... and/or UDP,TCP...
fw ctl zdebug + all |grep -A 1 "Monitor" | grep "" <<< change IP address
fw ctl zdebug + all |grep -A 2 "Monitor"
fw ctl zdebug + sync
fw ctl zdebug + conn |grep "After VM:" |grep "(SYN)"
fw ctl zdebug + xlate
fw ctl zdebug + monitorall <<< use with host IP "| grep" or network range "| grep 1.1."
fw ctl zdebug + monitor <<< use with host IP "| grep" or network range "| grep 1.1."
fw ctl zdebug + filter conn | grep -A 8 "rule 1" <<< change rule number
fw ctl zdebug + filter monitor | grep -A 8 "rule 2" <<< change rule number - show connetions to rule xyz
Attention, if you turn on debugging, this will affect the performance of the firewall.
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