Cluster interfaces are showing as "Partially UP" when something is wrong with multicast packets. You can check it with a tcpdump.
Command: tcpdump -nneei <interface/bond> port 8116
As example you can see here, that the multicast check only communicates with the broadcast.
00:00:00:00:e6:00 > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
00:00:00:00:e6:01 > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
00:00:00:00:e6:00 > 01:00:5e:7c:aa:aa
00:00:00:00:e6:01 > 01:00:5e:7c:aa:aa is missing
In this case, its mostly the configuration of the switch. Cisco calls it “querying”.