So, we have re-installed a lot of VmWare based clusters to get to R81.10.
Everything has been going very as planned, and we have used the VmWare files (OVF) to do the installations:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 25.07.2021 15:59 3542973440 Check_Point_R81.10_SG_R81.10-disk1.vmdk
-a---- 25.07.2021 15:59 2441 Check_Point_R81.10_SG_R81.10.cert
-a---- 25.07.2021 15:59 221 Check_Point_R81.10_SG_R81.10.mf
-a---- 25.07.2021 15:59 17327 Check_Point_R81.10_SG_R81.10.ovf
Yesterday we deployed a new firewall, using the very same files as earlier, but this time when we run CPUSE it shows this:

I have never seen this reference to BLINK image before, and certainly not as the only option to patch.
I got the T66 patch from our partner, uploaded it (using Import package) - but the system would not accept it (Check_Point_R81_10_JUMBO_HF_MAIN_Bundle_T66_FULL.tar).

Then we got the ongoing T75 from our vendor (Check_Point_R81_10_JUMBO_HF_MAIN_Bundle_T75_FULL.tar), and that could be imported to the gateway - and apparently we can install it.
The firewall cluster is working today, but I'm a little bit reluctant to apply the patch on a Friday afternoon.
But, can somebody explain what might have happened here?
It seems to me that we have gotten completely different behavior/firewall gateway - using the same set of installation files.