I've done VSX upgrade (ok clean install), from R80.30 to R80.40, in my options (and I'm pretty sure TAC will say the same thing), rebuild your VSX cluster using a clean install.
It sounds pretty bad to do this, but actually its not, the main thing is ensuring all your OS level configuration is the same, then its a simply case of vsx_util reconfigure which then converts the gateway to VSX.
The big reasons to do a clean installation are kernel 3.10 and also xfs filesystem (more relevant to Management the gateway though).
- Ensure you do a snapshot of the manager and gateway before hand, and store the snapshot from the gateway offline.
- Ensure you save the GAIA config from the gateway and store this offline.
- Ensure you raise a pro-active case with TAC, ensure you run into issue.
- If your install R80.40 ensure you install the latest GA Jumbo (don't install anything less then Jumbo T102 (Latest is T118 at the moment).
Now should you go to R81.10...hmmm technically this may not be a bad option, but with VSX I would prefer to wait for a few jumbos to be released. If you have the luxury of a test system then worth a go.
I've already attempted to install JHFA34 onto a R81 manager and found and issue, and rolled back to JHFA29.
Commercially - R80.40 is currently the 'recommended' release by Checkpoint, and your managers may question why you are installing something that is not the recommended release.