Hi Chris,
Yes, the policy has been installed to all vs as well as vs0:-

[Expert@VSX-GW01:0]# cphaprob -i list
There are no pnotes in problem state
[Expert@VSX-GW01:0]# cphaprob -a if
vsid 0:
CCP mode: Manual (Unicast)
Required interfaces: 2
Required secured interfaces: 1
Interface Name: Status:
Mgmt UP
bond8 (S-LS) UP
S - sync, LM - link monitor, HA/LS - bond type
Virtual cluster interfaces: 1

[Expert@VSX-GW01:0]# cphaprob show_bond
|Slaves |Slaves |Slaves
Bond name |Mode |State |configured |link up |required
bond8 | Load Sharing | UP | 2 | 2 | 1
UP! - Bond interface state is UP, yet attention is required
Slaves configured - number of slave interfaces configured on the bond
Slaves link up - number of operational slaves
Slaves required - minimal number of operational slaves required for bond to be UP
[Expert@VSX-GW01:0]# vsenv 1
Context is set to Virtual Device CIMB-VSX-GW01_Tier1 (ID 1).
[Expert@VSX-GW01:1]# cphaprob show_bond
|Slaves |Slaves |Slaves
Bond name |Mode |State |configured |link up |required
bond8 | Load Sharing | UP | 2 | 2 | 1
bond12 | Load Sharing | DOWN | 2 | 0 | 1
bond56.14 | Load Sharing | DOWN | 2 | 0 | 1
UP! - Bond interface state is UP, yet attention is required
Slaves configured - number of slave interfaces configured on the bond
Slaves link up - number of operational slaves
Slaves required - minimal number of operational slaves required for bond to be UP
[Expert@VSX-GW01:1]# cphaprob show_bond bond12
Bond name: bond12
Bond mode: Load Sharing
Bond status: DOWN
Balancing mode: 802.3ad Layer2 Load Balancing
Configured slave interfaces: 2
In use slave interfaces: 0
Required slave interfaces: 1
Slave name | Status | Link
g▒▒s▒▒▒▒▒x▒▒▒@▒▒s▒▒▒y▒d▒ | Active | No