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UserCheck editing questions for URL Filtering

I have a few questions about editing UserCheck for use in URL Filtering.  I've been searching CheckMates and Check Point documentation, but I don't find anything that really answers my questions.   And, yes, I have looked at "sk83700 How to customize and localize the UserCheck portal", but I don't think that article actually answers my specific. questions.   Thought I'd ask here before going to Check Point TAC.  We are currently R81.

  1.  I'd like to embed a hyperlink in the UserCheck body to automatically create a service desk ticket while passing information such as the original URL, the source IP, the category, and the Incident ID.
    1. First, what variables would I use to pass that info in the hyperlink URL?  In my research it looks like they might be category, origURL, src_ip, and IID.   Is that correct?
    2. What is the method of creating the hyperlink in the UserCheck message body?  I see that I could create it via HTML, but that seems to conflict with a configuration item in UserCheck itself, which is the "Insert User Input" tab.  There is a default object in here called "Report Wrong Category".  Using this it creates a hyperlink in the UserCheck message body,   However, I cannot figure out what it contains and how to create my own objects for use here.   What is the proper way to go about this?
  2.  I also have a problem displaying our logo rather than the CheckPoint logo.   When editing a UserCheck page, you can upload an image to use as a logo.  When I view the Preview for my UserCheck page, it will show that logo at the top middle of the page.  However, when I actually test this out in reality, this logo does not show.  I've looked at sk83700, but that seems to clash with editing the UserCheck page as I just described, so what is the proper method of displaying an alternate logo?

Thanks for the help.


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1 Reply

I don't think A is supported. Please open a TAC case to get an official answer.

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