I want to implement Threat Extraction for mail traffic, with the possibility for the users to get the original file if necessary.
The setup is done via MTA on local TE100X. So, for now everything is fine, the cleaned file is attached to the mail (file.cleaned.pdf) and the reference link to the original file is added to the body of the mail.
But when clicking on the link, it opens the Gaia Portal of the TE1000X with the need to log in:

The user account of the test user is not working (obviously, no AD-integration of SB-Appliance).
When logging in with the admin user, it shows the management overview (which shouldn't be accessible for normal users).
So - how to configure this properly, so that normal users can access the original files (ideally without logging in)?
Any ideas? I couldn't find any guide or SK that describes this properly...
Thanks & BR