When i attended the CP Advanced Troubleshooting for Threat Prevention training i did learn a couple of details that at the time were not yet documented. The situation has changed, but still there is material missing from documentation.
As sometimes only one special VM seems not able to finish emulation, it may be valuable to have a look at the emulation process in the VM itself. This can easily be accomplished, as for debugging issues with Virtual Machines it is possible to connect via VNC to the machines while running. First we have to enable VNC access with:
# tecli d e e
You then can see the VNC port of the relevant machine in the synopsis view:
# tecli s e v s

And now you can connect to all (running) VMs
! This is not something you would do on a regular basis, as mostly TE does not take long, but as a troubleshooting procedure it does coma very handy...
CCSP - CCSE / CCTE / CTPS / CCME / CCSM Elite / SMB Specialist