Hello everyone! 🙂
1) I want to understand the difference between the settings of the Syslog server.
So, I have two places available for settings: SmartConsole and GAIA Portal.
a. In SmartConsole, according to the Logging and Monitoring R81 Administration Guide (chapter Working with Syslog Servers), I need to create host (In the Object Explorer, click New > Host; Configure the fields Name, IP addresses) and Syslog Server (In the Object Explorer, click New > Server > More > Syslog; Configure the fields Name, Host, Port and Version). Then I need to select the configurated syslog server in the SG object.
b. I also have a chapter System Logging in GAIA Portal. And there I can add Remote System Logging (I need to configure the fields IP addresses, Priority Level, Port and Protocol).
As far as I understand in both cases I'm setting up the same - Syslog server. I'm right?
2) Should I do both settings or is one enough? Or are they completely different? 😥
Why can I only select SG or cluster in SmartConsole, but in Gaia Portal these settings also available on SMS?
3) I’m also wondering what specific information these logs contain (excluding audit logs)?
Thank you!