Hi Checkmates,
i want to configure on the SecurityGateway (Checkpoint Appliance 3100) automatic Backup Job.
The Destination is a central Unixserver in the Headquater by SCP connection through VPN Connection configured on this SecurityGateway.
The SecurityGateway have more Interfaces and also one Interfaces to the Internet with static public IP-Address. This public IP-Address is also the MGMT IP of the Security Gateway.
The Destination BackupServer have a private IP-Adress and is only reachable over the VPN-Connection.
If I start the Backupjob the Backup is not successfully.

If I check in the same time on the Backupserver the connections, then I see, the Gateway comes with the public IP and maybe this is the problem.

My Question is, how to configure the Backupjob that the Securitygateway use another source IP (his private IP not the public MGMT IP-Address.