Has anyone ever experienced SMTP sessions dropping?
After upgrading the customer's management server OS (R80.10 to R80.40) recently, we are experiencing SMTP packets being dropped.
What is unusual is that there were no policy or other option modifications, and the gateway remains at the original R80.10 version.
As a detailed symptom, the customer's firewall consists of only two interfaces.
And when I run tcpdump on the firewall, I see Syn packets on the inside interface, but I don't see packets going out on the outside interface.
I'm expecting the firewall to randomly drop packets.
Another peculiarity was that the service was normalized when the policy was installed without any modification on the management server.
So I'm thinking it's more likely a firewall and mail server or L4 managed session issue rather than policy or firewall logic.
Are there any settings that can affect firewall sessions in the R80.10 and R80.40 management servers? For example, such as the Inspection Setting part or Virtual Session timeout
I want to execute the 'fw ctl zdebug + drop' command, but I am afraid that secondary problems will occur due to performance load, so I am not able to proceed.
Firewalls usually flow about 6 to 10 Gbps of traffic.
Thanks regards