I installed VMware ESXi on the NUC, installed a R80.1 and moved +9 other virtual systems (linux all of them) to the NUC.
I ended up replacing 2 x Check Point Smart-1 3050 in a cluster protecting 6 virtual systems
and a dedicated DMZ Check Point 2200 that protected 3 other virtual linux systems
So now everything is running on this single NUC!

My raw speed when connecting my Qubes OS linux to the fibermodem is 900 mbit and 533 up

The speed from a windows 10 PC connected to the LAB LAN accessing the internet via the new test firewall

I am looking in to a little tuning now, and trying to figure out what license i am missing (the dmesg command revealed a warning about a missing VE license).
So far I am impressed at the power that little Intel NUC6i7KYK have
It is a perfect little machine for running a LAB.