Upgraded two unrelated VSX clusters to R80.40 Take 120 running full HTTPS inspection, and on each I began to notice choppy behaviour on web browsing, along with web-based applications beginning to fail.
When I switched back to the member still on Take 118, it worked directly. Then issues reappeared after going again to the Take 120 system. I refreshed the VS and pushed the policy but it didn't help. I rolled back to Take 118 and everything is peachy again, although I could have used the myriad of fixes introduced in Take 119. 🙂
On one of these clusters, HTTPSi was in evaluation so I can narrow it down to a couple of PC's and work with TAC, an SR is open.
I will post if I get relevant developments, I just wondered if others are using VSX + Take 120 + HTTPSi and having a similar issue.