No you wouldn't because SIC is at the Certificate Authority NOT the IP address level.
So if you migrate your R77.30 SmartCentre to an R80 SmartCentre on a different IP address you also move the Certificate Authority over with the export/import process.
Before Export what you do is
Define a Node object with the IP of new Smartcentre.
Place a rule in policy allowing Node to talk to the Gateway with Any Service
Install the Security Policy
Delete the rule and node
Export the Management Database
Import to the R80 Database
Sort out the IP address in the SmartCentre Object if not auto updated during process.
SIC is still established and you relicense the Gateways to new SmartCentre IP and attach to the Gateways
Install Policy from R80 SmartCentre which removes the Node and Rule from the Gateway however the Gateway see's the Object of the SmartCentre with the updated IP and that then replaces the R77 IP so the implied rules allows the traffic through the Security Policy so next connections are done by Implied Rules from management server to gateway.
The R80 SmartCentre however has the same ICA as the origional one so you do not need to reset SIC if do the migration properly.
Only way would need to do the SIC is if don't have the Rule and Node prior to export and that is down to the fact that the Management Server Object is old ip so fails at the Firewall connection level not the CA/SIC level.
Or if you created a completely new Management Server rather then migrating
Is why SIC is IP independent but if you change the IP of Management Server you need that Node and Rule first.
Thread Starter is migrating so providing does the migration process properly then really shouldn't have to reset SIC.
Certainly following it then not had to reset SIC when doing Management Migrations in over 10 years.