It's then really straight forward:
1. Start with standby node and migrate configuration of the node to the new node:
I would do this by using actual clish config, editing it to change interface names (best with search/replace)
Don't forget to do other config changes not represented in clish to the new node (scripts/fwkern.conf/etc)
2. Disconnect old standby from network
3. Conncet new standby to network
4. Reset sic through smartconsole
5. Change version/appliance type in general properties of cluster object
6. Change advanced configuration of interfaces in the topology/network management part to allow different interface names on both nodes. It doesn't matter if the cluster interface name is the new one or the old one during migration. But I prefer to have the new one already.

7. Install policy
8. Failover to new node with new version using cphastop on active node
9. Repeat above steps 1-7 to 2nd old node.