Since testing the disable_ikev2 Registry workaround with Remote Access VPN Client for Windows version E88.60 Build 986105801, and confirming IKEv2 did actually work, Check Point have now released the the Remote Access VPN Client for Windows version E88.63 Build 986105843 - and unfortunately the disable_ikev2 Registry workaround no longer works.
Update: 2025-03-11: The Remote Access VPN Client for Windows version E88.70 Build 986105912 doesn't work with the Registry workaround either. The only option is to re-enable the setting: Prefer IKEv2, support IKEv1 in Global Properties.
(The Remote Access VPN Client for Windows is installed in Check Point Mobile Mode)
The VPN connection fails with the message: The gateway does not support IKEv1.
This is really disappointing.
Can Check Point's official roadmap be shared as to when IKEv2 will be fully supported in the Remote Access VPN Client for Windows?
Also, just my observation, but why does the Remote Access VPN Client for Apple Mac seem to be getting all the attention, with major feature enhancements being released far sooner than the Windows version? In my experience, businesses have far greater dependencies on corporate Windows machines needing VPN access to the network, Mac's are rarely a priority in the corporate landscape.