Thank you so much for your detailed reply.
so let's put things in order,
i assume this packet capture was taken on the GW, please let me know if it's not the case.
--- Actually, it is captured on the WLC ( which connected to GW directly and in the same VLAN) , we have captured on the GW as well, and got the same result
1. it's possible that passive arp learning is not enabled on GAIA.
--- Could you please let me know to check and turn on the passive arp learning ? Then I might test if any help .
2. when working with cluster HA, the same MAC address of the active GW is used for both the physical IP and the VIP.
2.a - when the member is reaching out to get arp, it uses it's own physical IP as src IP, and it's MAC address.
2.b - i don't see why there should be mac spoofing, as this is how cluster is operates, as the mac shared between physical and vip ip addresses. and packets can be sent sometimes from vip and sometimes from physical IP with the same MAC.
--- Yes, I checked the broadcast frame, it did sent with the active member's IP as source , but the same MAC with the VIP.
from what you describe, it sounds like the issue is that BC arp request sent from the GW is not reaching the host (did you verify that with wireshark on the host?), and because of that the GW is not able to learn the arp of this host. so this what needs to be investigated, my guess would be on switch level.
--- Yes, the BC arp request did reach WLC, but didn't reach the host, the below is the capture from HOST.
I noticed that there is only one broadcast ARP Announcement packet since the HOST got the DHCP IP, so I just doubt why the GW didn't learn the HOST MAC from it ( not sure if it reached the GW, because only one packet sent, and hard to capture it )

"So if a Frame reached Gaia gateway, but it doesn't have the destination MAC address, then the Frame will be dropped?" - actually if you will look at the ethernet layer in this packet you will see that it has dst broadcast address, which the switch should send via all it's ports on the broadcast domain, and in case you took this packet capture on the GW, than the packet has reached the GW and didn't drop, and as you can see the GW even respond to that back to the HOST (is that reaching the HOST, is the host have the arp of the .1?)
in the ARP layer the dst MAC is empty because the host asking for the request still don't know the mac of it's dst.
-- that is what I suspect. Because I did see that the DNS traffic and Web Authentication traffic from the HOST have already reached the DNS server and Web Authentication Server, but no return/reply traffic reached the HOST, so DNS and Web Authentication failed. I just suspect if the GW dropped the traffic, as the return/reply packets whose destination is the HOST's MAC will be dropped because of no ARP entry for them on the GW.
How can I check if those return/reply packets dropped or not by the GW?
Thanks again and much appreciate for your patient reply.
Best regards