This is my seccond post. Enjoy!!
This procedure is for accessing a firewall from the Management, using rshell with
Tested in R81, R81.10.
Not test in R80.XX, but i think will be work
- Access to Management
1) Access via SSH to Management.
Execute the script rshell.sh attached

In the 1st field put the Management IP
In the 2nd field put the Gateway IP
2) After entering the 2 IPs, you will get access to the Gateway without password as admin user.

This is a not bash console, to jump bash you need put the detail commands.
script /dev/null -c bash
stty raw -echo; fg
reset xterm

3) After entering the commands, you will have access to the Gateway.

4) After you finish using, and try to exit, you will get the following (broken terminal):

to mitigate this, enter the command: "reset xterm" or close the terminal and open a new one.
Any suggestions or comments are welcome