With our customer we encounter same issue.
An SSL vpn was active and they were trying to replace it with IPSEC vpn to reinforce security.
Both had to work at the same time, but IKE packet for IPSEC were reject because the Checkpoint was not the destination of IKE packet and it doesn't knew that it should be encrypt in VPN Community.
By following this SK : https://support.checkpoint.com/results/sk/sk106241
In R76 and above, a kernel parameter was added to allow this traffic to be decrypted if the gateway is not the destination. It is not enabled by default.
The command to enable it is:
To run on the fly:
[Expert@SGW]# fw ctl set int encrypt_non_gw_rdp_ike 1
To permanently enable it, refer to sk26202.
After running this command the IKE packet has been encrypted into the community and the IKE packet was not drop anymore
Hope its clear and it will help some of you,
Best regards.