Q&A Transcript
Q: When Ender will be part of a general release?
A: It is currently planned to be ready with R80.40 For all other R80.x family, it is available as an add-on package.
Q: Is there any GitHub repo for checkpoint example codes with REST API?
A: We have a good collection on CheckMates already. Just go to the community and look for CodeHub section
Q: How to run clish in expert?
A: clish -c <your command>
Q: I have tried Dynamic CLI package, on R77.30, and it does not work. Why?
A: Dynamic CLI is supported with R80.10 and up.
Q: Can you please provide SK number for dynamic CLI?
A: It is sk144112.
Q: Will Ender tie in with Tufin?
A: Any third party can use our APIs. This question should be directed to Tufin and not us.
Q: Does gateway need to be on R80.x alogn with MDS for dynamic CLI?
A: Gateways needs to be on R80.10 or above to use Dynamic CLI or API.
Q: In the future, will this be possible with other appliances such as the SmartEndpoints?
A: These features are not specific to gateways, they also apply to management servers, and to any other Gaia based device.
Q: Can you add a gateway cluster object using the Management APIs?
A: Management APIs are out of scope for this discussion. That said, there is no API for adding a cluster currently. We are planning this functionality for the future releases.
Q: Are there plans to support Terraform also for Mgmt API ? For example to create host objects, rulebase etc.?
A: Management API is also REST API. You can use it with any tool that works through REST API, Terraform included.
Q: Will it be possible to backup the firewall rules on the roadmap of the product. Rigth now is very cumbersome.
A: The firewall rules are stored on the management and they can be backed up in one of several ways using the management APIs (among other ways). Best to post this question with your specific requirements on CheckMates.
Q: What is the performance impact of using both features on a gateways?
A: Performance impact is minimal.