we have ClusterXL SGW R.81.10 with DHCP relay enabled, basically it works fine.
But for some structuring, we need various gradations in the DHCP scope, which can easily be done with UserClassID (option 77). At the client the option 77 can be seen in DHCP request (without errors) in Wireshark, but the Checkpoint DHCP relay apparently does not transmit this option 77, at the DHCP server only the option 60 (vendorClassID) arrives, not option 77. I have not found anything special in the documents, only in https://supportcenter.checkpoint.com/supportcenter/portal?eventSubmit_doGoviewsolutiondetails=&solut... ...

The parameter "om_extended_dhcp_params" is enabled (so according to this source also the option 77 should be supported (forwarded) ... are there further necessary settings? What am I missing? I would be surprised if this is not supported
Thanks for your support