based on sk163913 I've created this simple script that can help you to calculate the recommended number of firewall workers:
mpstat -P ALL 10 1 |grep 'Average:[ ]\+[[:digit:]]\{1,2\}[ ]\+' |awk '$2 ~ /^(0|1|2|4)$/ { csnd += $NF; print $2 " SND " $NF; next }{ cfw += $NF; print $2 " fw " $NF} END { nfw=NR/(csnd/cfw+1); print "nfw = " nfw }'
Instead of '(0|1|2|4)' string put the numbers of the CPUs running as SND that reflect your case (fw ctl affinity -l -r).
Tested on R80.40 (Open server).