Hey everyone,
Just wondering if this is even possible. I am trying to test something for the customer and in order to do so, I wish to apply jumbo take 78 on R80.40. I have single mgmt and 2 gateways in the lab running R80.40 jumbo take 77 (mind you, its EA version, since I installed that take when it came out, on August 18th 2020). The problem is, when I try to install take 78, its saying not compatible for rollback package and below is what happens if I try to uninstall it via cli (in gui, uninstall option is greyed out). By the way, I checked /var/log/CPda/repository and package is indeed there. I opened the case with TAC and all the guy said was he would have to check with R&D, did not even do any research (thats sort of typical TAC support for anything really, but anyway...).
Below is the error I get. If anyone has any idea/suggestion about this, I would really appreciate it.
Uninstall error:
CP-VM-MGMT> installer uninstall Check_Point_R80_40_JUMBO_HF_Bundle_T77_sk165456_FULL.tgz
The machine will automatically reboot after uninstall.
Do you want to continue? ([y]es / [n]o / [s]uppress reboot) yes
Info: Initiating uninstall of Check_Point_R80_40_JUMBO_HF_Bundle_T77_sk165456_FULL.tgz...
Interactive mode is enabled. Press CTRL + C to exit (this will not stop the operation)
Result: Uninstall Failed
The package file is not in the repository.
CPUSE cannot find one of the uninstallation files. Contact Check Point Technical Services for further assistance.