From sk180742, this is a simple way to see full sync port 263 is used.
tailf $FWDIR/log/cxld.elg | grep 263
[cxld 9315 3934513920]@FW-01[9 Dec 18:51:35] fwasync_conn_params_ex: fd: <36>, my addr: <,263>, peer addr: <,35059>
[cxld 9315 3934513920]@FW-01[9 Dec 18:51:35] PM_session_init: given session I(CN=FW-01,;CN=FW-02,;263;syncn).
[cxld 9315 3934513920]@FW-01[9 Dec 18:51:35] PM_policy_query: input session I(CN=FW-01,;CN=FW-02,;263;syncn).
with grep -i instance it covers more detail on "full sync".
I used sk37030 debug steps as part of stopping and starting sync (forcing full sync) and included the tailf cxld.elg into that procedure to capture the output above.
fw ctl setsync off
fw -d fullsync 2