Hello Mattes,
After upgrading my SG to R80.40 and Jumbo Fix 94. I started having a problem, with ping. I have this issue:
I'm using monitor_icmp to monitoring the pool on f5 BIG IP, and my security gateway(Check Point) is the gateway of this network.
My external f5 big IP cannot ping the pool on f5 big IP internal or ping web server that CP is the gateway.
When I access SSH on Security Gateway I can see ICMP request using tcpdump, but I can't see ICMP reply, only after a send a ping from the security gateway.

When I access the security gateway and send an arp to check if has mac associates an IP, I can't see. After I send a command ping from the security gateway I can see the ARP.

Does anyone know why this happens?.
Every day I need to send a ping for all hosts that my f5 big IP can't find automatic