We recently upgraded a VSX VSLS cluster from R80.20 to R81.10 HF55 and the VSs are now reported as DOWN due to FWD pnote (FWD on Active VSX cluster member VSs are in Terminated state T).
Only one VS is in Active/Standby state while the rest are Active/Down.
Anyone faced such an issue recently?
See sample output.
Cluster name: CP-Cluster
Virtual Devices Status on each Cluster Member
ID | Weight| CP-G| CP-G
| | W-1 | W-2
| | [local] |
2 | 10 | DOWN | ACTIVE
6 | 10 | ACTIVE(!) | DOWN
7 | 10 | DOWN | ACTIVE(!)
8 | 10 | DOWN | ACTIVE(!)
9 | 10 | DOWN | ACTIVE(!)
10 | 10 | STANDBY | ACTIVE
Active | 1 | 5
Weight | 10 | 50
Weight (%) | 16 | 84
Legend: Init - Initializing, Active! - Active Attention
Down! - ClusterXL Inactive or Virtual System is Down