Hi Arik Ovtracht,
Thank you very much for your response 
The issue I had was caused that I have modified both .xml files in wrong order and with wrong arguments.
What I wanted was to just update CPUSE agent (RPM), import R80.10 upgrade package to R70.30 gateways and verify it - definition of extended_preparations of Basic mode.
This is the content of CentralDeploymentTool.xml I have used:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<PackageToInstall Path="/var/log/Check_Point_R80.10_T462_Fresh_Install_and_Upgrade_from_R7X.tgz" ConnectivityUpgrade="false"/>
<Logging FileLevel="DEBUG" ScreenLevel="DEBUG" SyslogLevel="NONE" Colors="true"/>
<CPUSE RPMPath="/var/log/CPda-00-00.i386.rpm" />
<Batch MaxMachinesCount="UNLIMITED" />
This is the content of DepPlan.xml I have used:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This is an example of a Check Point Central Deployment Tool Deployment Plan file.
Refer to the CDT SK for additional information about configuring and using CDT:
The plan_settings element contains the name and the description of the deployment plan
and additional configuration.
<name value="Example deployment plan" />
<description value="Example deployment plan provided with CDT" />
<update_cpuse value="true" />
<connectivityupgrade value="true" />
<!-- Execute script -->
<execute_script path="/home/admin/cdt/preScript.sh" iscritical="false" />
<!-- Remove custom jumbo -->
<uninstall_cpuse_package filename="R75.46_JUMBO_HF.tgz" />
<!-- Major R77.30 upgrade -->
<import_package path="/var/log/Check_Point_R80.10_T462_Fresh_Install_and_Upgrade_from_R7X.tgz" />
<install_package path="/var/log/Check_Point_R80.10_T462_Fresh_Install_and_Upgrade_from_R7X.tgz" />
<!-- Notifications during execution -->
<log level="NORMAL" value="Finished installing major upgrade." />
<!-- <send_email to="cdt.admin@checkpoint.com" subject="Major upgrade completed" body="Finished installation of R77.30 major upgrade, preparing to install R77.30 HF2." /> -->
<!-- Install HF for R77.30 -->
<!-- <import_package path="/home/admin/R77.30_HF2.tgz" /> -->
<!-- <install_package path="/home/admin/R77.30_HF2.tgz" /> -->
<!-- Get a file from the gateway to /home/admin/ -->
<!-- <pull_file remote_path="/home/admin/file_to_pull.txt" local_dir="/home/admin/" /> -->
As I figured out, the content of DepPlan.xml is irrelevant in this case, as I want to go via Basic mode and extended_preparations.
So finally I was able to run CDT with syntax:
./CentralDeploymentTool -extended_preparations test.csv
and waited around 2 hours to finish the job.
Once finished, I checked both gateways which were mentioned in candidate list test.csv.
R80.10 upgrade package was transfered and was located in /var/log/upload on both gateways.
The CPUSE agent (RPM) was NOT upgraded at all. In addition, the RPM package is not visible in /var/log/upload directory on both gateways. Not sure if this can be related to the fact that on one gateway I have already installed the build version which I want to upgrade (1573). On second node I have older build number, which was supposed to be upgraded from currect 1567 to the latest 1573. It wasnt upgraded.
Second issue I see is that on the management server where I run CDT, the following files were created and wasnt removed after CDT finished the job:

Kind regards,
Jozko Mrkvicka