You have a license, good.
You still haven't confirmed that you have an interface configured with either of the IPs (note I masked them along with the MAC address in the output above), but we'll assume you've done this.
If you have never installed a policy to this gateway before, then the gateway won't be able to access much of anything.
If fw stat says you have either DefaultFilter or InitialPolicy, then this is the situation: these policies block most access to/from the firewall.
If you want to verify connectivity and the like WITHOUT installing a policy, then you can use fw unloadlocal to unload this policy.
The Gaia WebUI will only show the blades that are activated when a real policy is installed (i.e. not DefaultFilter or InitialPolicy).
Once you establish SIC and install a policy from Security Management, the Gaia WebUI will show the blades you have configured in SmartDashboard.