MGMT Server : Open Server
Security Gateway : 15600
TE Appliance
MTA : Enabled
Requirement : Our requirement is that Threat Emulation or Antivirus should drop the mail if any other or unknown extension is attach in the mail. (Currently Checkpoint TE and AV blade support more than 90 file type [AV] and 65 file type by [TE] )

Seanario1 : Our case we change the extension of malicious file to any known extension as listed on above and send a mail and here AV is able to block the mail.
Seanario2 : Suppose I change the extension to any other or unknown extension of that malicious file then here AV is not able to block that mail.
Example : File Name : samples.tar (malicious file)
INTERNET ----> MAIL (samples.tar mail attatchment ) -----> BLOCK by TE
INTERNET ----> MAIL (samples.tar.pdf mail attatchment ) -----> BLOCK by TE (just changing the extension)
INTERNET ----> MAIL (samples.tar.mht mail attatchment ) -----> Allow and not able to find any log (just changing the extension)
INTERNET ----> MAIL (samples.tar.der mail attatchment ) -----> Allow and not able to find any log
NOTE : We update the TE engine to version 58.990000298
. (sk92509)
Installed latest jumbo Take_33 with MTA take_24.
As per the sk121097 (Last update on 25-Oct-2017 )
Threat Emulation is not scanning files if their extension was changed to unsupported file type is an expected behavior.
# Chinmaya Naik