Our R81.10 appears to not allow us to add an public ALIAS IP address, that is on a different block from the primary WAN IP.
We have several additional public IPs successfully attached to our ETH1 (external) interface via the ARP feature. However, we have some public IPs that are on a different block which requires those to be added as ALIAS's to the ETH1 interface.
The following is what I did, maybe I missed something?
1. logged into the Gaia web interface and added an ALIAS with member of ETH1 and provided the IP and subnet.
2. Went in SMARTCONSOLE and synchronized the topology which DID NOT see the ALIAS object we created in step 1.
3. Insite the SMARTCONSOLE object explorer, I created a HOST object with the public IP from step #1.
4. Created a NAT rule to forward traffic on a specific port from ANY, TO the ALIAS IP, translated to our test server on the original port.
5. Created a firewall policy to allow traffic to the ALIAS IP with any any.