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After upgrage of Security GW from R80.10 to R80.40 License tatus shows "Not entitled"
After upgrade of Security GW from R80.10 to R80.40 License status shows "Not entitled" in GAIA portal. Policy installation is not working (besides that everything including SIC is fine). In GAIA under Licenses if I click "offline activation" I do see the License and the License Status says: "License OK" (which is odd, as the main screen says "Not Entitled"). The firewall doesn't have connectivity to the internet (thus the User Center), but the management server does. We are using central licensing.
After rolling back to the backup snapshot the License works fine.
Is this merely a cosmetic issue? In other words, does the appliance function normally otherwise despite this error? This probably requires a TAC case as, yeah, something in the license doesn't look quite right.
To be honest, the above cplic print output is after rolling back to the initial working state, but my assumption is that the same output would be after the upgrade (i didn't check it at that time, only via the GAIA portal which suggest the same). Pushing policy wasn't possible so it is not just a cosmetic issue. I am opening a support case meanwhile. Thanks anyway, will come back with the solution once we have it.
What is the model of the appliance? I never been a licensing guru, but SKU from the screenshot you posted looks a bit off for the regular firewall license. Btw, @PhoneBoy is correct, licensing always survives the upgrade process / reboot.