Hello everyone,
I am currently running into an issue with an Application Control Policy from a customer and am brainstorming on how to solve our issue. I would appreciate any tips on how you would solve this or setup the policy.
We currently have setup the policy the following way:
- Rule: Allow specific Categories and whitelisted URLs that otherwise would be blocked.
- P_X_Allow contains categories such as "Computers / Internet", Education, Financial Services etc. and URLs which we whitelist explicitly. Basically anything that isn't harmful per se.
- Rule: Block any categories that we don't want users to access.
- all_categories contains all categories that are not in the P_X_Allow category such as Botnets, Email, Critical Risk, etc.

Now as an Example, the customer doesn't want their customers to access Gmail, and we expected it to be blocked by the Email category in the 2nd Rule. But it is being accepted in the first rule since Gmail also matches the Application "Computers / Internet".
According to the Check Point URL Categorization Tool, Gmail matches the following applications:
Current Categories: Low Risk, Email, Computers / Internet
So what would be the best practice to setup our Application Control Policies or how do you usually do it with your customers?
The fastest solution would probably be to just add another Block Rule before the first rule and add Gmail to it. While this may be a quick solution, there might be a ton of other applications that are currently allowed through categories you don't expect them to be in. So we'd have to go through all the Logs and check all the applications on how they are categorized.
If we simply move our current 2nd Rule above the Allow rule, we might also block applications that were previously allowed.
How would you tackle this?
Any advice is appreciated, thank you!