Yes, and this problem is addressed in R82 with the add-interface endpoint.
Continuing with the above object, let's say I wanted to add eth3.
My call would look something like this:
mgmt_cli -r true add interface name "eth3" gateway-uid "375bebfe-989b-4cd8-80c0-001d2736ccc1" ipv4-address "" ipv4-mask-length "24" "false" security-zone-settings.specific-zone "WirelessZone" topology "internal" topology-settings.ip-address-behind-this-interface "network defined by the interface ip and net mask"
It looks something like this in SmartConsole:

FYI @Omer_Kleinstern when I tried to use ipv4-network-mask instead of ipv4-mask-length in the above, I got a validation error.
I assume this a bug?
Also, it seems that there is no option in the add-interface endpoint (or the set-interface one) to actually enable the specified security zone.