One of our customer has Bluecoat proxy(for bandwidth management + URL filtering) and Palo alto(Application fw + IPS)firewall in their network. Network flow LAN users -->AD server -->Bluecoat proxy --> Palo alto firewall -->Internet.
Customer want to remove Bluecoat proxy and enable the same features on Palo alto firewall. But after AD integration with Palo alto fiewall - Distributed COM Users, Event Log Readers and Server Operators - these groups are not sync. Due to that even if system admin made changes in the AD user group that change is not reflecting in Palo alto user group.
In existing setup Bluecoat proxy perfectly working fine with AD user group sync.
Customer will not change any setting for the Distributed COM Users, Event Log Readers and Server Operators groups.
Now customer asked, If we replace Bluecoat proxy with Checkpoint URL filtering feature + AD integration, will it work?
Please suggest...
Thank you....