Dear Checkmates,
We are in the process of migrating all the Quantum Spark 1570 devices from local policy to a central management using the Quantum Smart-1 Cloud.
Each gateway will still have it's own specific policy.
Each gateway also has some VPN users that will be allowed remote access to the internal environments on the site.
When I configure the "RemoteAccess" object on the central platform it only allows me to setup a single authentication mechanism and so now anybody who has valid credentials can login to any of the gateways. They are unable to access anything because we use the AD-Group that they are a member of to control which destinations they can access.
Does anybody know a way that I can restrict the authentication in the same way, so that only members of the same AD-Group associated with the site can authenticate to the site's gateway?
We are running R81.10.08 on the Sparks.