Hello Check Point Community!
I am working on a project with a customer that has a SMB firewall model 1570, we recently activated the IPS blade on the Gateway in detect mode.
We created a specific profile for this new Gateway where the idea of the profile is to be registering the most used IPS signatures to activate Prevent mode in IPS.
We want to make weekly reports to find some pattern and on these results, activate a customized IPS profile for the firewall.
I found that IPS reports can be made from SmartView Web, however, this report shows information of all the managed computers in the console.
Do you have any idea how to filter this report and only show me the IPS information of a single Gateway?
Do you have any template or steps you can share with me?
I hope I have explained, if you have any questions, please let me know.
Greetings to all!