May 2023
We are happy to announce the release of R81.10.07 for Quantum spark 1500\1600\1800 appliances.
This release introduces new features, enhancements and stability improvements for both locally (Web UI and SMP) and centrally managed appliances.
New Pro Models
- Support for Quantum Spark 1595 WiFi6 + 5G appliance.
- Two-Factor Authentication for Remote Access VPN users using Google Authenticator.
- Generic Routing Encapsulation tunnels (GRE).
- Jumbo frames - Support for frames with more than 1500 bytes of payload (in EA).
- Bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) in OSPF and BGP (in EA).
- Dynamic Routing configuration with IPv6 in OSPF and BGP.
- Easy onboarding over WiFi with the appliance's default SSID for running the First Time Configuration Wizard.
Supported Appliances
1500 Series: 1530, 1535, 1550, 1555, 1570, 1570R, 1575, 1590, and 1595 appliances.
1600 appliances.
1800 appliances.
More Details here:
Quantum Spark Appliances 1500 Series:
1595 Cellular / 1595R Cellular Appliances: Important Procedures:
More Details on new Pro Models: