Hi Wolfgang,
Even though Centrally managed mode for Quantum Spark R81.10.xx currently is not officially GA it is possible starting from R81.10 JHF Take 61 to manage Quantum Spark Appliances with R81.10.x Gaia Embedded. This JHF and later should be installed for all customers using R81.10 Smart-1 Cloud.
- PRJ-36588, PMTR-72224 - NEW: Added support for Quantum Spark Appliances with R81.10.x Gaia Embedded (Early Availability).
I have since a month back successfully managed Quantum Spark gateways from Smart-1 Cloud
There is a EA program open for centrally managed Quantum Spark R81.10.xx. I suggest that you reach out to your local Check Point representative and ask to be onboarded to that EA program