Hi All,
I've inherited a site that has, amongst other things, a bunch of 1100's still running R75.20 (good news is they're slated for replacement within the next two months).
My issue is that, since upgrading the SMS from R80.10 -> R80.30, I cannot push policy to the 1100's anymore. It fails with "The policy for the selected blades cannot be installed on Gateway".
According to the R80.30 release notes, the 1100 / R75.20 combo should be supported, and apart from sk154212 I cannot find any reference to this error. Should also be noted that the only blades enabled on these devices is the IPSEC one.
I know I'm dealing with a very old release that's been out of support for a a couple of years, yet it "should" work? I'd be grateful for any ideas / suggestions.