Um..Yes, I find that we can use the "bridge" to assign both Vlan and WLAN now.
But that seems not to work as expected.
In my design, we have Port 1 - 4 as switch1 and a Native VLAN 1 WIFI SSID in the same bridge.
Then I try to create a Vlan 10 and tagged it to switch1, the switch1.10 is here now.
I try to bind the Vlan 10 SSID to switch1.10, and it works.
But the Wired users accessing Vlan 10 just can not access Checkpoint 1570 's Vlan 10 Ip address.
I do confirm the uplink port connecting to switch1 is already trunk and with suitable Vlan tagged and untagged.
And finally, I use a stupid way to temporary resolve the issue:
I assign VLAN 10 SSID to CheckPoint's Lan 6 with the same new bridge and move the original VLAN 10 Ip address to this new bridge also.
Connect the CheckPoint's Lan 6 port to the switch port that just accessed VLAN 10.
And this works like Vlan 10 working well now ... OH ShXt.
I wonder if the VLAN tag will not work for the switch that is also bridged to another interface already.
Please advise.