Hi Everyone,
We added our Active Directory Domain Controller to our locally managed 1600 firewall to monitor AD user wise traffic & deploy policies by the Security groups on AD. To do this I have enabled User Awareness and added AD credentials to Authetication Servers and i was able to sync security groups to firewall successfully but the Security Group based policies are not reaching the assigned policies. So then we upgrade the firmware to R81.10.07 from R80.20.35 because R80.20 is near to end of support.
After the upgrade I can create policies to Security Groups & now they are working perfectly.
Since the upgrade I cant access the firewall management console from domain connected devices but I can access web console from Domain server it self and devices that are not connected to domain.
This is the page visible after providing login credentials and inthe login events i can see the logs as login successfull.

Please help me what can cause this error. Is this a certificate related error?
Thank you.