I'm using NPS Microsoft Server and I see it hitting my rules for authentication. I have the Vendor-Specific value set like this as noted in the documentation:
To use RADIUS groups, you must define a return attribute in the RADIUS user profile of the RADIUS server. This attribute is returned to the Security Gateway and contains the group name (for example, RAD_<group to which the RADIUS users belong>) to which the users belong.
Use these RADIUS attributes (refer to RFC 2865):
- For SecurePlatform - attribute "Class" (25)
- For other operating systems, including Gaia, Windows, and IPSO- attribute "Vendor-Specific" (26)
I have it set to 26 on my NPS, according to the document, but I just noticed in the GuiDBEdit the default is 25 for the radius_groups_attr setting. I'll udpate that and let you know how that works. Basically, I just followed that document.
I do have another issues though that I'd like you input. We have office mode setup, for example with, and when I authenticate I do get an address in that range on my endpoint but I want to be able to get to internal assets at that site that are not within that VPN range. So I need to get to,, etc. How do I accomplish this? When I do a route print after connecting to the CP VPN I only get a route for the office mode range.
This is separate from the RADIUS groups but I noticed that this wouldn't work even if the RADIUS groups worked...
I appreciate your willingness to help!