So users from a particular ad group (10 users in total in this group) are not able to change their passwords when trying to login to the mobile access blade. This is what they get when trying to change their passwords(happens for every user in that group)-

So when they type in the password above nothing happens and the same screen appears again.
Upon looking at the logs i see an "authentication time out" error as shown below-

I see the same error for every user in that AD group.
Attaching pics of ldap object properties-

On the above image you can see that the "use encryption" box is unticked, do i have to tick that to get it to work or does that not matter?
Another image of properties below-

As you can see above the ldap object has read and write capabilities (both boxes are ticked).
What should i do so that the users can successfully change their passwords? Also does something else have to be done on the AD side?
I was able to get the creds of the users and tried it myself, this is what happens-

"failed to modify password, LDAP error"
why does it show that?
Thank You.