Topology: (2) CP 5600 2 R80.30 in active/standby HA w/ ISP-Redunancy load-balancing
VPN client: Checkpoint Mobile for Windows
Here is the problem:
Shutdown the Comcast fiber ISP connection. This is NOT the firewall interfaces but the switch port to the Comcast fiber. So the firewall ComCast fiber interfaces stay up. The Comcast fiber ISP side is down.
Create a VPN client connection to the DR Comcast coax connection (173.162.x.x).
Connect to the DR connection – everything AOK. Properties of connection show name and IP address are 173.162.x.x.
Disconnect from DR connection
Reconnect to DR connection. Connection details are updated to include Comcast Fiber IP address.
I think this problem is due to the firewalls serving up the main IP as the VPN gateway.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this?