Good Day
Please advise i have a standalone deployment. I have IPsec vpn blade enabled i have added the remote access to the Security Gateway participates in the following VPN communities when i add a IPsec site to site VPN (meshed community) for the vpn community to participate in the Gateway my remote access VPN and or users are not able with an error to connect "Site Creation failed" once I remove the VPN community from participating in the gateway the remote access VPN users are able to connect. The left frame remote access VPN users are not able to connect when i remove on the right and only leave remote access remote access VPN users can connect. The thing is i need to configure a site to site VPN and I can see the vpn community I added is the one causing issue. Please what could be causing this issue ?
Please see attached
Remote Access VPN does not work
When i remove the P2C_SitetoSite remote access users are able to connect