Good day.
Question about Office Mode IP's.
For this thread let's assume the gateway has a license for unlimited users.
In my config the CP_default_Office_Mode_addresses_pool is set to This address space has 254 hosts. Does this mean that this setting can accommodate 254 simultaneous users? Or is this space only capable of having only 127 simultaneous users as the it seems when connected the client gets an Office Mode IP but then the gateway assigned is the previous IP in the Office Mode network?
For example, below is a sample from a connected client.
utun6: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1350
inet --> netmask 0xffffff00
So if the need is to scale remote access VPN users getting Office Mode IP's to 1000 simultaneous users is it sufficient to change the Office Mode network to be /22 or does it need to be set to /21 to accommodate the VPN clients gateway?