Yes, this message can be seen in the vpnd.elg
chooseProposalFromList: Failed to match proposal. Transform: AES-256, SHA1, Group 2 (1024 bit); Reason: Wrong value for: Authentication Method
chooseProposalFromList: Failed to match in strict mode. Will try matching all supported DH groups
In order to solve this, we tried following sk103269. After doing the steps, it worked again for like 5 minutes and a new error message appeared on the client side: "Connection Failed. Could not agree on common methods. Check that the user is properly defined"...
sk170515 describe a solution for the previous error message, we followed the steps, and worked again for 5 minutes and it showed the first error message again "Connection Failed. IKE Negotiation with the gateway has failed. Make sure the user is properly defined on the firewall".
At this time we had to roll back to Take 139. We tried to install Take 161 and Take 173 but the same errors appeared. Management server is not a problem, it is on Take 173. The issue is only with the gateways. As Take 198 just came out, we will wait until GA and give it a try...
Best Regards,