Site2Site VPN (Amazon - Company)
We're running a firewall cluster based on R77.30 and what to setup a IPsec VPN tunnel with Amazon VPC
But there's a known issue with R77.30 and VTI's
How to configure IPsec VPN tunnel between Check Point Security Gateway and Amazon Web Services VPC u...

If CoreXL is disabled we see a very High CPU usuage.
That's why we want to setup an IPSec without VTI's, instead of updating to R88.10 first.
When downloading the Configuration file from Amazon:
- Vendor: Generic
- Platform: Generic
- Software: Vendor Agnostic
Within the config file there's a part about the Inside IP Address
The Customer Gateway inside IP address should be configured on your tunnel interface. |
Outside IP Addresses: - Customer Gateway : a.b.c.d. - Virtual Private Gateway : z.y.x.w Inside IP Addresses - Customer Gateway : - Virtual Private Gateway : |
How can I configure the inside Customer Gateway and Inside Virtual Private Gateway without using VTI's ?
The following SK article has been followed (sk113840)
How to configure IPsec VPN (non-VTI) tunnel between Check Point Security Gateway and Amazon Web Serv...
Ensure VPN Tunnels Pass Traffic Between Customer Gateways and Virtual Private Gateways
Please advice.