I just recognized after a certificate change, that the fingerprint shown at first connect is different between macos and Windows.
Windows correspondends with the fingerprint shown in the "VPN Clients -> SAML Portal Settings" and "Mobile Access -> Portal Settings" on the gateway in SmartConsole, but not the fingerprint shown when first connecting with macos.
Customer told, that after changing the certificate, macos clients show a different fingerprint than Windows.
Just checked it with a new connection with my Mac: same issue. Fingerprint on macos is different to Windows/SmartConsole.
- why?
- this is an issue, when trying to avoid the popup, when changing the certificate and therefore the fingerprint. See https://support.checkpoint.com/results/sk/sk66263
Just checked the situation with another customer:
- Fingerprint stored in the Windows Registry is the same as in Portal Settings
- Fingerpring stored in file "/Library/Application Support/Checkpoint/Endpoint Connect/registry/HKLM_registry.data" on macos is different than in Portal Settings