Since I couldn't find a solution so far I'm pausing the service and the GUI app with a small script. I'm sharing it here in case you want to do the same.
Install pidof command from brew if you don't have it and use,
if [[ $1 == "stop" ]]
sudo kill -STOP `pidof TracSrvWrapper`
sudo kill -STOP `pidof Endpoint_`
if [[ $1 == "start" ]]
sudo kill -CONT `pidof Endpoint_`
sudo kill -CONT `pidof TracSrvWrapper`
That will pause (STOP) the Endpoint client and TracSrvWrapper that is causing the problem. I noticed that if I was to pause only the TracSrvWrapper eventually Endpoint was crashing after some hours, I believe when it was hitting the re-key timeout, so pausing both seems to work fine for now.